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June 11, 2006

Garbled Characters

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '@' in /home/blablahogehoge.php on line 27


Posted by funa : 01:13 PM | Web | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

June 3, 2006

The impression of Europe 2
トーマスクック・ヨーロッパ鉄道時刻表〈’06初夏号〉How to travel around Europe

A book of Tohmas cook and a Arukikata will save your travel. Reconfirming your plan using these books keeps you calm even if you ask at clerks in stations or information. In any case, Maps in the books. You can find a hotel wherever you are it costs 30 to 50 Euro even at night because travel is the main business for almost countries in Europe. Approx 20 Euro for YH.

Very clean, peaceful and equality. There was nobody meddlesome. It seems like machine-like but I feel comfortable so much. I realized comfort is close to machine-like. Indeed I went to the Red cross, UN and Rolex!!

グーテンターク(こんにちは)、ダンケシェ(ありがとう)、チェス(さようなら)。I know European don't like Japanese but German is terrible. Some people are actually mean. A few is very kind though. I confused sometimes they laugh even if there is nothing to happen. What did I do anything?? And they get sullen for no reason. I didn't understand them at all!! Guys are really big. They all are like Semmy Schilt from K-1 so that they have huge sausages and drink beer a lot. I don't know why they can create delicate sophisticate things. It comes from the charactoristic of stubborn? Girls are so cute with drooping eyes and balloon-breast, wow!! Price of commodities are not so high. Simple design. You can take on the S-barn with eurail.

Nothing.. I have no impression about this city.. but when I stayed at hotel run by Catholic a sister was so kind. When she touched my heart I wanted to be a christian at the moment..

Tschuess!'ちゅーーーす' I often use this word in good-by time with friends in Japan. I thought it is a kind of slang comes from a japanese yankeeish word but its acctually from Germany. It means 'Good-bye'!! It was surprising thing for me. When a German said to me that word, she seemed a Japanese.. Rigid, closed, they are like Japanese.. Racism lives in their unconsciousness even Adolf Hitler disappered. I watched a movie 'The Great dictator - Charlie Chaplin' since I back from Europe. Germany is the most interesting country for me yet I don't like it.

Monaco is famous for F1 and as known as gorgeous city, but I think its not. Super exclusive cars run in the city though.. Messy.. I lapped the famous course. Uphill and narrow. If you ask me, its just a winding road. Vulgarity!! Richest people in the world make the greatest drivers in the world drive the most expense cars in the world from the greatest racing team in the world at a suck city. As I was back in the teenage when I rode bikes in winding road I was mad in riding. Vulgarity brings real excitement!! Its no doubt Monaco GP is special and kind of immaturity that I love but F1 is matured. 30 min from Nice by train.

Europeans like moto-bikes especially in Italy and Spain. Against expectation, they ride european bikes not made in Japan. BMW, Duca are the top-notch for them. Applilia is next. Piaggio and vespa are more popular for the masses. Lots of replicas with small engine up to 125 were running on the continental like nobby??

Posted by funa : 02:27 AM | Europe | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

May 27, 2006

Track Making
Final Cut Studio

- Garage Band from Apple



Win/プレミア/ACID vs. Mac/FinalCut/SoundTrack だな、俺としては。

Posted by funa : 08:35 PM | Web | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

May 22, 2006

WMP9の 「ツール」-「オプション」-「パフォーマンス」タブの「詳細」ボタンをクリックし「ビデオ アクセラレータの設定」ダイアログを開く。「ビデオ アクセラレータ」と「DVD ビデオ」にある「オーバーレイを使う」のチェックを外す。 これで、「Alt」+「PrtSc」で動画の部分をキャプチャできるようになる。

- http://arena.nikkeibp.co.jp/tec/winxp/20060420/116374/

Posted by funa : 04:46 AM | Web | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

May 18, 2006

True Arts
- Art of Poster



Posted by funa : 07:45 PM | Europe | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

May 18, 2006

Rent-a-car made in Deutsch
deutsch.jpg- Mercedes-Benz on the Autobahn Movie



It costs 80EUR to rent a small car in Germany including insurance. International driver license, passport and address where you are staying in Germany such as hotel's one are required. Also a passion to communicate with German... They don't like or can't speak English!!

Posted by funa : 09:31 AM | Europe | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

May 16, 2006


マタイ受難曲 - バッハ
喚起の歌 - ベートーベン

Anthem partⅡ - Blink182
the broken bones - mxpx
Genocide - The Offspring

Posted by funa : 09:05 AM | Web | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

May 15, 2006

Sony PCG-U1

This tiny PC Sony Vaio U1 is good for backpacking. Recently the internet environment is getting popularity so bringing that kind PC helps your trip around even europe. The internet cafe in Antwarpepn costs 1 EUR per hour, in Milano 3 EUR a hour, in Lindon 2 pounds. Trains have power equipment in first class seats.

Posted by funa : 10:00 AM | Gadget | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

May 15, 2006

The impression of Europe
Going through the Dova 
A croissant in the france is very tasty. Not so sweet, oily but very crispy. I never thought it before. That's fantastic!! The connections to cities to ports, London to Dova and Calie and Calie port are not well-equipped so I waited long time especially at Calie.

London night
I went to "sound" is night club in the centre of London, and had a fish&chips for the first time. goood!! And danced a lot. We massy & me two missed some bus so We took the taxi. It cost 20 pounds for 15min. Mmmmmm... Mind the gap.

Uniqlo shows same ads in London and Japan. That is cool ha?

I can say this city is so poor. There are lots of people live in street. I was cheated 3 EUR, he gave me the information of the city though... A guy showed me the green glass in the small zip bag, and tried to sell me as marijuana. That looked just "Zassou". It's too hard life!!

Just for your information, Put some grasses from cigarette and some marijuana on a piece of paper with a puff. And then lick the edge of paper, rolled up!! Get it light up!! 10 EUR a 1 gram. 50 EUR for a fuck. 25 EUR more for looking bust in the window girl. Don't worry they have rubber. Just a fack..

The sandwich with ham, tomato, cheese and grilled leek was so yummy. When you order, a guy bakes in the oven so its so hot and easy to melt in your mouth.

I bought some hams, cheese and yoghurt in local supermarket. I could make the own sandwich costed 2EUR since I could take away bread from YH breakfast free. Save the money for the best trip. Just historical small city.

I tried a waffle topped with whip and chocolate ice cream. Belguim is famous of waffle and chocolate. I got all of them at the same time even also hero of Belguim Stefan Everts!! People knows him but don't know much about motocross. The tracks of motocross are out of their attention too.

ボンジュール(こんにちは)、メルシー(ありがとう)、Sorite(出口)。Parisian likes heaviness like oil painting, sculpture kind historical things. So say again they like historical things!! Therefore they don't like Japonese. Cause they think we seem not to have the history. I bought 'carne' allows me to take on the Metoro 10 times.

ボンジョルノ(こんにちは)、グラッツェ(ありがとう)、チャオ(さようなら)。I expected most about this city but it was refused. I planned to go to see the super mortard in suburb of this city but it wasn't realized due to two reasons which are the schedule offered by one website was incorrect and a rent-a-car shop couldn't provide me a car on the race day. Spaghetti all carbonarra is my favorite actually, but its taste didn't make me satisfied. I like it in Japan most than Italy and US. And there is no fashion in this city!!

I watched 'pimp my wheels' on MTV instead of 'pimp my ride'!! They fixed the bike, vespa---- I felt I'm in Italy!! I bought a abbonamento giornaliero at Kiosk which is available for 24 hours. You can ride on trains whenever you want in the period. 3 EUR.

オラ(こんにちは)、グラシアス(ありがとう)。I think all the arts in Barcelona come from great artists like Picaso or Gaudi who produce the Sakurada familia. The arts make me have the impression that they always have 2 aspects like happy and unhappy or vivid and dark.


Posted by funa : 09:40 AM | Europe | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

May 15, 2006

- お役立ちツール 「WebScan」、「機種依存文字チェッカー」なんかは便利そうだな。多分いらんけど。。

Posted by funa : 08:13 AM | Web | Comment (0) | Trackback (0)

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