Is This English???
■2010年2月28日 AM12:10
英文メール - Sending e-mail

The technique of writing email in English comes from your mind.

You should respect their language, English and write as polite as possible you can when Japanese, who is not good at English, send email to native speaker. It would show that you are good business man. We tend to think that native speaker write casual and broken English with their emotions, sometimes right, but as for letters, it is needed to control your emotions and with cool-headed for avoiding inexpert English. Keep in mind that international communication is not in high context. And be sure to add the reason to your email.

- 2段下から丁寧に言う
- 感情を抑え冷静な文章にする
- 物事の理由を必ず添える
- 正しい論理にする
- ソフトな表現を心がける
- ダイナミックな表現にする

- I wonder if you could permit me to visit your research center.
- Please let me have your reply by the end of October.
- I would appreciate it if you could reply by the end of October.
- Could it be possible to reply by the end of October?
- May I ask you to reply by the end of October?
- Could you reply by the end of October?

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■2010年2月28日 AM12:10
スペル表現 - NATO Phonetic Alphabet

I am Yonji. Yankee, Oscar, November, Juliett, India

--The easier ver.

K as in King / M as a Mary / S for sugar

A=Apple, B=Boy, C=Chicago, D=Dog, E=England, F=France, G=George, H=Hotel, I=India, J=Jack, K=King, L=Lemon, M=Mary, N=Nancy, O=Ocean, P=Peter, Q=Queen, R=Rocket, S=Sam, T=Tom, U=Uncle, V=Victor, W=Winter, X=X-ray, Y=Young, Z=Zebra



よく使う単語 A Alpha Apple, Adam B Bravo Boy, Benjamin C Charlie   D Delta David, Dog, E Echo Edward F Foxtrot Frank, Florida G Golf George, Germany H Hotel Henry, Hawaii I India Ida, Italy J Juliett Jack, John, Japan K Kilo King L Lima Lodon, Lincoln M Mike Mary, Mexico N November New York, Nancy O Oscar Ocean, Orange P Papa Peter, Paris Q Quebec Queen R Romeo Robert, Radio S Sierra Sam, Sugar T Tango Tom, Tokyo U Uniform Union, Uncle V Victor   W Whiskey Washington, William X Xray   Y Yankee Young Z Zulu Zebra, Zero
Tiger, Apple, King, Echo, Sugar, Hotel, Item
Fox, Union, NY, Apple, Sugar, Echo

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■2010年2月28日 AM12:09
Simply difficult and possibly dangerous phrases Part10


You shouldn't have. (そんな気をつかわなくても)
You're telling me! (まさにそうだな)
You're too much! (冗談ばっかし)
Join the club. (私も同じ境遇よ)
Let me get it this time. (今回は払わせてよ)
Come again? (もう一度言って)
That it is!! (そのとおり)
That's it. (以上!)

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ナビ: <  18 | 19 | 20 | 21  >
-英語のコツ - Tips [51]
-仕事で使う英語 - For your work [10]
-使える英語フレーズ - Phrases [22]
-私事でゴメン - My affairs [9]

@Is This English???