I know that Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.
It's natural that he should do so.
[so that構文]のthatは副詞節を導く接続詞でso 形容詞/副詞 that+S+V
The bag was so heavy that she couldn't carry it.
[it that構文]のitを仮目的語、that以下を真の目的語と呼び、thatは接続詞で名詞節のthat節を導く
I found it difficult that we solve the problem.
She heard the news that made her happy.
She heard the news that her son had won the game.
抽象名詞 + that SV ~
/// 同格のthatを取る名詞は決まっており、抽象的な概念などを表す下のような名詞が代表的なthatを取る。
discovery(発見), advice(忠告),agreement(合意),assumption(仮定),belief(考え),conclusion(結論), promise(約束), saying(格言),thought(考え),report(報告), statement(発言), information(情報), instruction(指示),notice(通告), announcement(告知), argument(議論), claim(主張),explanation(説明),assertion(主張), knowledge(知識), thought(思想), proposition(提案),suggestion(提案),demand(要求), need(必要), desire(欲望), order(命令), assumption(仮定), decision(決定), determination(決意), fear(不安), feeling(感情), realization(認識), recognition(認識),understanding(理解), comment(意見), complaint(不満), belief(信念) ,hope(希望),question(疑問),remark(意見), fact(事実), advantage(利点), chance(機会), evidence(証拠), likelihood(可能性), possibility(可能性), probability(見込み), truth(真実), news(ニュース), rumor(噂), theory(理論), opinion(意見), notion(見解), idea(考え), conception(概念), anxiety(不安), impression(印象), observation(観察), etc
/// 同格のthatを取れない名詞の例。
opportunity(機会), chance(機会) , image(イメージ) , character(特徴), right(権利), experience(経験) etc
/// 関係代名詞はthat以下で何かが無くなるが、同格はなくならない
Sになる That she will come is certain.
Oになる I know that he is married.
Cになる The issue is that she lucks common sense.
副詞節(SV that SV) She is happy that her photo won the competition.
同格 I know the fact that she stole the money.
xのn乗は X to the N th power(2 to the 4th power is 16.)
2乗はsquared(7の2乗はseven squared),3乗はcubed(5の3乗はfive cubed)
thousand → million → billion → trillion
千 → 百万 → 十億 → 一兆 (一桁ずつ数字が下がっていくで覚える)
1,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 (カンマは0が3つ)
$1K: 十万円
$1M: 一億円
$1B: 一千億円
$1T: 百兆円
Its the same as ever.
the same asが万能
△) we expect it will work as same as its working.
○) we expect it will work the same as its working.
○) we expect it will work ,same as its working.
as same as は避けるべき、asがsameのニュアンスがあるので重複を感じるらしい
the sameで副詞としてもつかえるし
ひと昔前はthe reason why という言い方も重複を感じるから文法的に問題とされたが今は使う人もいる(特に先頭の場合)しかし避けた方がいい
△) The reason why it failed was that it had no right.
○) Thats why I go to school.
○) Thats the reason I go to school for.
the place where, the time when, the way howも重複しているので避けるべき
△) This is the only way how this company penetrate into this new market.
○) This is the only way this company penetrate into this new market.